Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Sunday

A nice 5 miler and brunch with the girls in Hermosa today!


-I need new running shoes
-I need to stretch everyday
-Even though I feel creaky, I'm happy to be alive and able to run...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Marathon - Of Another Kind

Sorry for the long absence, friends. I've been running here and there, but not as consistent as I'd like to be. My last long run was 10 miles a few weeks ago. Since then, I've been cruising in the 5 mile range for a couple of different reasons...

1) I am a little burned out on running at the moment. I still love it, but I think my body was in need of a break, and is dying for some cross-training.

2) I am working on a major research project, which is like a marathon itself. It is slow-going, time consuming, and makes my body hurt just thinking about it!

I plan to run tomorrow morning, and keep to a new schedule where I am running 2 times/week anywhere from 3-5 miles, with 1 long run on the weekend. My long runs probably won't get over 10 miles, for now. I will definitely run the Las Vegas Half in December, so I will likely sneak in a 14 miler or 2 between now and then. I'd like to get a bit leaner as well, so I'm definitely beginning to focus on my nutrition again.

Sadly, I did not run the Disneyland Half. My good friend was married the night before, and I don't think I saw my pillow until sometime around 5am. I was definitely over-ambitious in my scheduling, but at least signing up for the race kept me on my training schedule!

I am starting to play around with the idea of triathlon training. SO many of my running buddies have made the transition, which I find intriguing...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

CA Burning

Hello everyone! I'm still around, despite the somewhat lengthy absence. I've been running, but it's been limited due to my schedule/the fact that Southern CA is on fire! I'm supposed to run the Disneyland Half Marathon on Sunday, but we'll see how the air quality changes, if at all. Stay tuned...