Saturday, September 19, 2009

Marathon - Of Another Kind

Sorry for the long absence, friends. I've been running here and there, but not as consistent as I'd like to be. My last long run was 10 miles a few weeks ago. Since then, I've been cruising in the 5 mile range for a couple of different reasons...

1) I am a little burned out on running at the moment. I still love it, but I think my body was in need of a break, and is dying for some cross-training.

2) I am working on a major research project, which is like a marathon itself. It is slow-going, time consuming, and makes my body hurt just thinking about it!

I plan to run tomorrow morning, and keep to a new schedule where I am running 2 times/week anywhere from 3-5 miles, with 1 long run on the weekend. My long runs probably won't get over 10 miles, for now. I will definitely run the Las Vegas Half in December, so I will likely sneak in a 14 miler or 2 between now and then. I'd like to get a bit leaner as well, so I'm definitely beginning to focus on my nutrition again.

Sadly, I did not run the Disneyland Half. My good friend was married the night before, and I don't think I saw my pillow until sometime around 5am. I was definitely over-ambitious in my scheduling, but at least signing up for the race kept me on my training schedule!

I am starting to play around with the idea of triathlon training. SO many of my running buddies have made the transition, which I find intriguing...

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