Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Procrastination Station

So I have been absolutely terrible about updating my blog! It is definitely a testament to my crazy schedule (both training and work). Wildflower is a month away, Desert Tri is on the books, and we head off for Wildflower training weekend this Friday. I regret that I have not been more detailed in my posts, but one thing I can do is provide the pics!

First, some brief thoughts on the Toyota Desert Triathlon, which I raced on March 7th...

The day before the race, we biked 32 miles through the windy Palm Springs desert. It was a fun ride (except for the major traffic on Washington street heading out). We were all complaining about doing a long ride before the race, but it really wasn't that bad in the end.

Throughout the weekend I experienced MANY different degrees of anxiety...but learned to control them in small ways. (More on this later).

We got up early the morning of the race and headed to Lake Cahuilla for transition setup. It was fun to sit around and chat with my teammates once everything was in order.

The Swim:

Thankfully it wasn't too crowded in my wave, but I did have a brief anxiety attack in the water. Our coaches told us this would happen, and that we would need to take a minute to get ourselves together. I kept going – and tried to focus on being grateful for my health, ability to compete, and for the many blessings in my life. This tactic worked, and I had a good swim - much better than I thought.
After a quick transition, I was off on...

The Bike:

Rain was the issue here. It rained. The WHOLE time. The ride was flat, but I felt a bit tentative on the slippery roads. I managed to pass a few cyclists, but was passed by many. The course was 2 loops around farmland and residential neighborhoods in La Quinta. I enjoyed the ride (despite the weather) but had no idea how to manage my energy, knowing there was a run remaining. In the end, I think I played it too safe.

The Run:

I felt slow on the run, but held my own and finished in a respectable amount of time. The rain definitely complicated things, but after a while I was actually happy that it wasn't too hot.

What I learned:

-You can’t control everything on race day, but can control your attitude and outlook on the experience.
-If you are nervous, try to be grateful for what your body can do and reflect on that often.
-Shared human emotions (including nervousness) are powerful.
-Preparation and organization are everything in triathlons.
-Get in line for the bathrooms early (also marathon wisdom).
-A banana ½ hour before the swim start is a good thing. :)

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