Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Best Laid Plans...

It has certainly been an interesting 2 weeks. Despite running 10 miles last Saturday, my midweek mileage = 0. My energy, motivation, and interest in running dove to an all-time low sometime around last Monday. The last week I haven't been feeling well, and given the fact that everyone around me has been sick, I've likely caught the bug. I planned to run 12 miles yesterday, but slept in instead. I had to force myself to commit to 5 miles this morning, which was a struggle. I can't remember the last time I felt sore after a flat 5-miler. During the run I felt extra hot and most likely had a fever.

The one question I've been asking myself all week: is this normal?? I had the best run 2 weeks ago. I fell in love with running all over again and felt so strong. The Dland half is a few weeks away, and at this point I am questioning my fitness/whether or not to participate. My ever-encouraging running buddies tell me I can pull it off without a hitch. My body (or just mind?) is telling me otherwise.

I suppose it is normal to have periods of lower motivation and waining interest in a sport like running. Of course, I feel better even after my short run this morning. My plan is to run at least 2 times this week before I travel to Lubbock Wednesday morning, and definitely try for a 12-14 miler next weekend. Perhaps it is time to really start committing to cross-training? I've been known to get bored easily, and it seems like some variety might be just what the doctor ordered.

Stay tuned...

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