Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Solo Run = Happiness

I love training with my friends. They keep me motivated, engaged and sane on long runs. You might understand then, why I was a bit nervous about running solo last Saturday morning for the first time in a long time. My usual running partners were out of town/busy, so I peeled myself out of bed at 5:45am to tackle a beach side run on my own. Originally, I was hoping to cover about 10 miles. I ended up running a little over 6. You might think I was disappointed, but this run ranks as one of my best ever. Usually I gauge the success of a run by the mileage - the higher, the better. Not the case on Saturday. For the first time since the marathon, I felt strong - really strong. AND I enjoyed myself. I did a couple of things differently. First, I was relaxed. No pressure to keep up/talk/dish about my day. Second, I brought my ipod along. I'm now seriously thinking about using it for the half marathon in a few weeks (especially because I am running the race on my own). Third, I ditched the new running shorts and sleeved shirt ensemble for my spandex to-the-knee pants and sleeveless jersey. Usually I am uncomfortable in any situation without sleeves, but it made such a difference during my run. I'm willing to shed the self-consciousness for comfort at this point!

Moral of the story: sometimes running alone is just what the doctor ordered. I forget how great it can be to be lost in one's own thoughts without any expectations or pressure. (Running along a beautiful stretch of beach doesn't hurt either)!

My splits definitely reflect the surplus of energy:

1 comment:

Toni said...

You are so inspiring, Jennifer! Thanks for sharing this with us!