Friday, May 15, 2009

Great Strides!

The past 7 days were amazing! Last Saturday our team ran 20 miles...a major mental hurdle for me! I felt the most discouraged around mile 13 (because it was HOT and traffic was high on Palos Verdes drive). I finished feeling surprisingly strong (with the help of Coach Ed and a co-worker I happened to meet along the way). With a couple of brief walking breaks and many big hills along the way, I finished in a little over 4 hours. I certainly won't be breaking any records at the marathon, but my goal this first time around is to simply finish.

I also reached my fundraising goal this week of $2,500!! With the help of my amazing parents, (who held a garage sale Saturday morning as I ran) many generous friends and additional family members, we did it in just the nick of time! God bless Facebook and those special people who responded to my plea to raise that last $100 on the final day. :)

Tomorrow we taper to 12 miles for our long run, while maintaining steady mileage throughout the week. This week I slacked a bit on my daily runs, since I was traveling for work and putting in long hours. Hopefully I won't pay for it tomorrow morning...

Thanks again to all who have offered, and continue to offer any kind of support...I can't wait to fill you in on the big day! Meanwhile, I'll keep you updated on my progress over the next 2 weeks. Let the countdown begin!

If you are curious, here is a breakdown of how your donations to LLS are allocated:

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Jen!!! You are gonna rock this marathon! =)

Congrats on reaching your fundraising deadline!