Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Equipment Deals

Over the weekend, I picked up this watch at Costco, for less that half the retail price! It only seems mildly complicated, and I can't wait to try it out on my next road run (which should be today).

My goal today is to contact a nutritionist that was recommended by some of my co-workers. I have limited knowledge about nutrition planning for endurance training. I've avoided large amounts of carbs for so long, I have to be re-trained...


Toni said...

Most excellent.

I'm currently being stuffed with some very sugary carbs. Thank God I'm doing miles of walking everyday. With luck I'll get the same results as I did the last time I was in the land of Tea and Scones.

Jen said...

Take lots of pictures on your long walks! Eat some sugary carbs for me!