Sunday, July 19, 2009

Favorite Food Finds

Lately I've been trying to grocery shop more regularly. I'm trying to cook more at home, avoid spending too much at restaurants, and get back to exploring good healthy food. Among many of the items I love at Trader Joe's, I picked these up the other day...

When I was working with a nutritionist and training for the marathon, I had 2 protein shakes a day. The brand she sold was expensive, but high in protein and all-natural. This option from TJ's has 25g of protein per serving, with no artificial additives.

At one point in time, I was probably spending more money per week than anyone should on Pinkberry. I was so excited to come across this frozen yogurt for under $4.00. It is nonfat and has active cultures. Adding some organic frozen blueberries and/or agave nectar takes it to the next level!

My favorite is the mango version, but the chile spiced pineapple comes in at a close second!

Flax seed is super rich in omega 3s and easy to add to yogurt, shakes, and baked goods. This milled version comes with blueberry added.

Training update: 6 miles this morning at 6:30am (Hermosa to Torrance beach and back). My right IT band is still aggravated, and I stopped twice to stretch and mix up my routine.

Split 1- 11:42
Split 2- 12:12

Split 3- 12:42

Split 4- 13:02

Split 5- 12:33

Split 6- 12:11

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