Thursday, July 16, 2009

Feelin' the Funk

When stressful situations occur at work or in our personal lives, activities we enjoy tend to fall away from our carefully planned schedules if we don't prioritize them. Running and writing tend to fall in that category for me. After my run (and fall) last Saturday, I've been reluctant to hit the road. First, I've been concerned about injuring myself post-incident. Second, there have been major changes/challenges at work. These changes have not impacted me directly, but definitely have contributed to my fitness funk this week. Tonight I am really hoping to get out and tackle 4 miles, regardless of how exhausted I feel now. The thing is- we all know we feel better after exercise especially if we are feeling extra pressure or anxiety. The difficulty lies in conjuring the motivation to get your shoes on and run those first few steps.

What do you do for motivation?


Unknown said...

I will happily give you that kick in the arse when needed. :)

Sheryl said...

I totally know how you feel, Jen! You're doing a great job kickin' the funk in its arse!